Forgetting your keys inside the car is a pain. It can be a real headache if your keys are locked inside and you don’t have a spare. But don’t worry, there are a few ways you can unlock your Jeep Cherokee without damaging the door or the car. Here are three ways to do it.
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Can You Unlock Jeep Cherokee With Keys Inside?

The short answer is yes, the Jeep Cherokee can be unlocked with the keys inside. However, there are a few things you should know before you try this yourself. First, it is important to make sure that all of the doors and windows are closed before you try to unlock the Jeep Cherokee with the keys inside. If any of the doors or windows are open, it could cause the alarm to go off.
Another thing to keep in mind is that if you have an aftermarket alarm system installed in your Jeep Cherokee, it may not work with the keys inside. You will need to check with the manufacturer of your alarm system to see if they have any instructions on how to disable the system before you try to unlock your Jeep Cherokee with the keys inside.
If you don’t have an aftermarket alarm system, or if you are able to disable it, then unlocking your Jeep Cherokee with the keys inside is a pretty simple process. All you need to do is insert the key into the door lock and turn it clockwise until you hear a click. This will indicate that the door is now unlocked.
7 Ways to Unlock Jeep Cherokee with Keys Inside

The Coat Hanger Method
This is probably the most well-known method of unlocking a car door without a key. All you need is a wire coat hanger. Just straighten out the hanger and insert it into the door jam, above the lock.
Then, move it around until you feel the locking mechanism engage. Once you’ve found it, push or pull on the hanger until the locking mechanism pops open. This method may take some time and patience, but it’s better than causing damage to your car door.
Use the Slim Jim Tool
This method is similar to the coat hanger method, but instead of using a coat hanger, you’ll use a slim jim. A slim jim is a long, thin piece of metal that’s designed to open locked doors.
They can be purchased at most auto parts stores. To use one, insert it into the space between the window and the door frame and move it around until you find the locking mechanism.
Then, push or pull on the slim jim until the lock pops open. Again, this method may take some time and patience, but it’s worth it to avoid damaging your car door.
Use an Air Wedge
An air wedge is an inflatable device that’s inserted into the space between the door and the frame. This creates enough space for you to insert a Slim Jim or another tool to unlock the door.
Air wedges can be purchased at most auto parts stores as well. To use one, insert it into the space between the window and door frame and inflate it until there’s enough space to insert a Slim Jim or another tool. Then, follow the instructions for either of those methods to unlock your car door.
Use a Tension Wrench
If you find yourself without a spare key and locked out of your Jeep Cherokee, one way you can try to break in is by using a tension wrench. This is a specialized tool that allows you to apply torque to the lock cylinder so that you can turn the plug.
It’s important to note that this method will only work if your Jeep has a plunger-type lock cylinder. Start by inserting the tension wrench into the hole at the bottom of the cylinder. Once it’s in place, apply pressure to the wrench while simultaneously turning it clockwise.
With enough patience and pressure, you should be able to turn the plug far enough that the locking pins clear the shear line and you can open the door. Attempt this method at your own risk, as picking locks is illegal in some states.
Using a Screwdriver
If you have a flathead screwdriver, you can use it to unlock your car door. First, locate the small hole on the side of your car door. This is usually located near the handle. Once you’ve found it, insert the end of the screwdriver into the hole and push until you feel resistance.
Then, start wiggling the screwdriver back and forth until you hear a click. This indicates that the locking mechanism has been disengaged and you should be able to open your car door.
Using a Hammer
If you don’t have a screwdriver, or if the first method doesn’t work, you can try using a hammer. Look for the same small hole on the side of your car door and insert the end of the hammer handle into it.
Be careful not to damage anything as you’re doing this! Once the hammer handle is inserted, start hitting it with your other hand until you hear a click. Again, this means that the locking mechanism has been disengaged and you should be able to open your car door.
Smashing Window
If all else fails, or if you’re just not comfortable trying to pick the lock, another option is to break one of your car windows. This will obviously cause some damage, but it’s usually much less expensive to replace a window than it is to have a locksmith come and open your door for you.
Use caution when doing this—you don’t want to end up injuring yourself!—and be sure to choose a window that’s not in plain view of any valuables you may have inside your car. Once the window is broken, reach inside and unlock the door from the inside so that you can open it.
How to Cut Open Jeep Cherokee Padlock with Bolt Cutters?

At some point, you may find yourself in a situation where you need to cut open a padlock on your Jeep Cherokee. Whether it’s because you’ve lost your keys or your Jeep has been towed, knowing how to cut open a padlock can come in handy. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it.
- Start by inserting the blade of the bolt cutters into the keyhole of the padlock. If the padlock is small, you may need to use mini bolt cutters.
- Squeeze the handles of the bolt cutters together to close the blades. The blades should be flush against each other.
- Continue squeezing the handles until the padlock opens. It may take a few tries to get it open.
- Once the padlock is open, remove it from the hasp and store it in a safe place. You’ll need it later when you close the hasp back up.
That’s all there is to it! Cutting open a padlock on your Jeep Cherokee with bolt cutters is a relatively simple process that anyone can do. Just be sure to exercise caution and care when using bolt cutters, as they can be dangerous if used improperly.
Being locked out of your car is never fun, but thankfully there are a few ways you can unlock your Jeep Cherokee without damaging the door or car. The next time you find yourself in this situation,. try one of these three methods:
The coat hanger method, a slim jim, or an air wedge,… Remember to exercise patience when attempting any of these methods as they may take some time before yielding results. With a little luck,.one of these methods will help you get back into your Jeep so you can be on your way.